In 1950 the first joint PVRC/FRC meeting was arranged by W3IYE (W3NX), Roy Belair, and held in Delaware. The club also provided communications for the Delaware River Boat Races and assisted in the Boy Scout Jamboree in Fairmount Park. W3HFD and W3PWP demonstrated the erection of two 60-foot Trylon towers for the Boy Scout transmitters. The FRC was well represented in the section activities of QST throughout the 40s and 50s when FRC members were serving as SCM on a regular basis.
Throughout the 50s an epic battle for Sweepstakes gavels was waged with our friends from the south. The PVRC managed to win eight while FRC won only two. In the ARRL DX contest FRC won six of the 10 gavels. A definite shift in the operating preferences of the FRC was under way with the DXers outperforming the Sweepstakes orientated members, K3CY provided access to the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, where the club still meets. W3KT performed most of the QSL bureau services throughout the 50s, 60s, and early 70s. Receiving QSL cards from Jesse was one of the big attractions of the meetings which had shifted to the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.
You can read more about the FRC on these pages:
FRC History Introduction | |
FRC History 1930's | FRC History 1940's |
FRC History 1950's | FRC History 1960's |
FRC History 1970's | FRC History 1980's |
FRC History 1990's | FRC History 2000's |